人々。 The 2025 Annual Ceremony and Awards Ceremony with the theme of “Growing Upward | Dreams Without Boundaries, Creating Extraordinary” was grandly opened here, which brought a successful conclusion to the struggle of the past year and also sounded the prelude to the progress in 2025.
イベント当日、雰囲気は暖かく並外れたものでした。年末は、年次総会を祝う時間であるだけでなく、パートナーが集まって喜びを共有する時間でもあります。忙しい仕事の後にみんなをリラックスさせるために、主催者は一連の興味深いゲームを慎重に準備しました。 In the water bottle grabbing game, the players were fully focused, their eyes were fixed on the water bottle, their movements were agile and quick, and every shot caused exclamations from the surrounding audience;バルーン保持セッションでは、誰もが笑い、リラックスした幸せな雰囲気の中でチームの協力の精神を示しました。 Projects such as knee-clipped coins, big lungs blowing cups, acupressure board relay, hoop games, and money rolling games also made the atmosphere of joy on the scene continue to heat up.誰もが熱心に参加し、ゲームによってもたらされた喜びを楽しんだ。

During the dinner, the highly anticipated award ceremony became the focus of the audience. The Best Newcomer Award, Best Potential Award, Best Sales Award, Performance Improvement Award, Best Innovation Award, Best Contribution Award, Full Attendance Award, Years of Companion Award, Outstanding Employee Award, Best Team Award and other awards were presented in turn.これらの勝者はさまざまなポジションから来ています。彼らは普通の仕事で静かに働き、汗と勤勉さで並外れた成果を上げました。それらはのロールモデルです

これまでのところ、2025 Annual Ceremony has come to a successful conclusion. Looking back on 2024, the firm belief and collaborative efforts of each partner have jointly created the company's achievements and glory. 2025年を楽しみにして、Meicetは引き続き手をつないで前進し、より高い目標に向かって登り、より素晴らしい未来を作り出します。


